Sunday, February 21, 2016

Episode 8

Words of wisdom from this week's show:

 "People like me!"-Christina (to her children)

"If you would only listen to me the first five times, this crazy lady would not come out."-Melissa (to her children)

"There is a chromosomal abnormality that they cannot put clothes in the hamper."-Christina (about the big children)

"What a boring place this would be if we were all the same."-Christina

"The most important thing we can teach our children is they are not limited.  as long as they are glorifying Him that is all that matter."-Christina

"We are never going to please everyone.  The number one focus is to make sure everything is alright with with God." -Melissa

"We need to give our selves grace that we can screw up sometimes."- Melissa

"We will never be perfect.  There is only one perfect and that is God."-Christina

"The apology has completed transformed the whole attitude in our house."-Christina

"We need to show our kids that it is ok to be wrong."-Christina

"Anytime anything happens with our children we turn it inward on us and we cannot do this. GRACE!"-Melissa

"We think we should find balance and be able to do all the things...there is no balance."-Christina

"If we don't pour into our families at night we won't have anything to pour into our jobs, the next day."-Melissa

What God is ROCKING our hearts for:
Christina: Naptimes Diary Lent devotional
Melissa:  Our Family Devotion time

What is ROCKING our world:
Paul's Balls recipe

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Episode 6: Kim McFadden

Kim McFadden
We were so blessed to have Kim come on the podcast this week and share her story of mothering her four precious children (Caleb-10, Tyler-4, Lilly-3, and Sklyar-6 months).  

Kim talks about the fundraising and efforts she is making to get her son Tyler a service dog.  You can find more information on what this service dog does and how you can help on their facebook page. 

In this episode we also mention some things we talked about in episode 4 with Jena Martin, Luke 14 banquet at Seacoast Church , the Early Autism project

What God is rocking in our hearts?

Kim: Reform for laws regarding autism
Melissa:  "There is a kinda of unsettled comfort in keeping the messy part of our lives out of the light. There is comfort but not PEACE."  from the Open your Bible study.  

What is rocking our world?

Melissa: Garlic butter on a grilled cheese 

We have a BIG surprise for you for our next is a hint...we have 2 male guests...EEK!

Monday, February 1, 2016


All the things that got all of our heart eye emojis from Chosen 2016 at Seacoast Church in Mt Pleasant, SC!

TOP 10 (so maybe it's way more than 10)  #sorrynotsorry!!

1.  Francis + Benedict and Katie Walters and Christina's Charleston Maxi Skirt
2.  Pastor Jentzen and his Mrs. Potato Head reference
3.  Pastor Jentzen talking about Proverbs 14:1 "We are the life givers of our homes as women!" If momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy!
4.  The message all weekend being that women are the doorway to life!  You are the daughter of a King!  Wear that crown well!
5.  If you talk to the fool, the fool will stand up...If you talk to the King, the king will stand up!  Give yourself grace and know that the negativity in your head is not from the Lord!  Cast that devil out!
6.  Rizbah--2 Samuel 21--As women we are meant to fight and fight even if there is nothing left!
7.  Rebekah Lyons- Jubilee--When God's mercy pours out and the slaves are set free!
8. If Satan can't take us out he will distract us with some pretty things...aka TARGET! This also true of pretty words...he is so deceptive and knows our weaknesses!
9.  Lisa Surratt-- His power is made known through our stories...your testimony is so powerful because it shows the grace and power of God and what He does through us as imperfect vessels.
10. God saved before social media! -Rebekah Lyons  Be intentional with your time ladies!
11. Lisa Surratt-- Get over yourself because God isn't reliant on our abilities.  He is way bigger and way more capable...follow what He is calling you to do!
12. Rebekah Lyons-- Women we were made to fight and that's why God gave us armor and not a bathrobe!
13. John Gray-- God is not elevating talents, He is elevating HEARTS!!
14. John Gray breaking into ballet dance to Oceans...seriously funniest thing we have ever seen!!
15. John Gray-- Every person you will ever see God loves them as much as He loves you.
16. John Gray-- We need a spirit of desperation for Christ!  We need to be desperate to reach God's people!  Luke 7:36 
17. Spirit of the Living God (song) by Vertical Church Band **Rocking Melissa's world from Chosen
18. Arrow (song) by Seacoast Worship Team **Rocking Christina's world from Chosen

Going away message:
Worship when your words fail you
Worship when the world fights you
Worship when the worry finds you

Huge shout out to Seacoast Church for an amazing Chosen conference!  Amazing job Seacoast Ministry team and Worship team!!  Y'all ROCKED IT!!

Other things rocking our world right now!
Christina:  LUSH and their amazing mascara
Melissa:  Call the Midwife on Netflix
                Online grocery store ordering